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Thesis on Social-Fascism

[This is an unofficial translation, the text by the Committee for Reconstitution (Spanish State) can be read in Spanish here. You can download the PDF version of this translation by clicking here.] “Since the proletarian revolution in Russia and its victories on an international scale, expected neither by the bourgeoise nor the philistines, the entire…

Palestine: Catastrophe and Return

[This is an unofficial translation, the article by the Committee for Reconstitution (Spanish State) can be read in Spanish here] Those who lived through better times left it written for us that in times of revolution the density of the class struggle makes days contain months and weeks contain years. Unfortunately, this physical law of…

Bolshevism and War

[This is an unofficial translation, the text by the Committee for Reconstitution (Spanish State) can be read in Spanish here. You can download the PDF by clicking here.] “War is, in the well-known words of Clausewitz, the continuation of politics through violent means; it is the ultima ratio, the last degree of reason, the inseparable…

On Insurrectionism and the Smoldering Embers of the October Cycle

[This is an unofficial and partial translation of the editorial to Línea Proletaria #8, “Guerra y Reconstitución” (War and Reconstitution), August 2023, the full original text by the Committee for Reconstitution (Spanish State) can be read here] And what about the second mass vector of the French crisis? The latest insurrection in the republic of…


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